What is a Digital Marketing Strategy? 
Digital Marketing Strategy

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A digital marketing strategy is a plan or course of action towards achieving a set of marketing goals. These goals are determined by your business objectives and in that order of priority. Once these goals are set, digital marketing campaigns are developed and executed to achieve the set of marketing goals. 

A digital marketing strategy is different from a digital marketing campaign. A digital marketing strategy is a master plan or a blueprint to achieve desired long-term or macro goal. Digital marketing campaigns on the other hand are the specific tactics devised to achieve more micro, short-term goals within the digital marketing strategy. 

Different digital marketing strategies 

➔ SEO 

➔ PPC 

➔ Email, SM, and Content marketing 

➔ Marketing Automation 

➔ Lead Nurturing strategy 

➔ Pre-Launch New Products 

➔ Publish original research content 

➔ Digital PR 

➔ CTA Strategy 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of customizing your website to rank high in the search results. It is the process of raising the traffic (both quality and quantity) to your website through organized search results. 

Let’s break down the definition of SEO into three parts to understand its true meaning. 

● Quality of traffic: Quality traffic is the outcome of providing the right content and experience for your website visitor. It is just a quality visitor attraction to your website. You can attract all the visitors in the world, but if they’re coming to your site because Google tells them you’re selling Apple computers but when you are selling apples online wholesale, that is not quality traffic. Instead, you want to attract visitors who are genuinely interested in the products that you offer them for sale. 

● Quantity of traffic: Once you have the right people clicking through search engine result pages, you will eventually get more traffic for your website.

● Organized search results: Advertisements make up for a significant amount of many search engine result pages (SERPs). Organic traffic/search result is any traffic/search result you do not have to pay for. 

What is a SERP? 

Search engine results pages are web pages provided to users when they search for something online using a search engine, such as Google, Microsoft Bing, or Yahoo. SERP is any result on google/ any other search engine’s Search Engine Result Page which is not a traditional organic result. This is one of the digital marketing strategy that an organization adopts.


PPC which stands for pay-per-click is a revenue-generating model of internet marketing in which each time one of their ads is clicked, the advertisers should pay a fee to the search engine. It’s a way of buying visits to your sites instead of earning it organically. 

Search engine advertising like Google Ads, Bing ads, social media ads (Facebook ads, Linkedin ads, Twitter ads, Quora ads, etc) are popular forms of PPC. It allows advertisers to pay the search engine’s sponsored links for advertisement placement when someone searches on a keyword that is related to the business you are offering. 

Every time our ad is clicked, for sending a visitor to our website, the search engine should be paid a small fee. When PPC is working correctly, the fee you paid for the search engine doesn’t matter much since the visits to your websites are worth more than what you pay for it. For instance, if you have paid $3 for a click, but the click results in a $300 sale, then you have made a hefty profit. 

Digital Marketing Agencies in Chennai

Birth Marque is one of the best digital marketing agencies in Chennai. They are one of the premier digital marketing companies in Chennai who have the ability to drive the right quality and quantity of traffic to your websites. 

Google search results for the term fitness coach

Email, SM, and Content Marketing as Digital Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing 

As the name suggests, it is the process of sending marketing content newsletter subscriptions, advertisements emails to your entire contact list, new and old subscribers, and studying how recipients interact with emails in terms of opening them, checking out the contents, and making the decision of purchases depending upon the quality of the content. 

To stand out in email marketing, some effective tactics have to be followed like writing an awesome welcome email, segmenting email subscribers, personalizing outreach email subject lines, etc. 

Writing an awesome welcome email: It is mainly to give your new subscribers an awesome first impression. Always write a welcome email that gets people excited about what they signed up for. It’s a simple task that involves following things like welcome in the subject line, a warm welcome and what to expect in the body of the mail, and a call to action and your signature. 

Segmenting email subscribers: Segmenting your email subscribers by demographics, interest, or purchase history can give a better boost to your conversion rate. Let’s say you have 3 lists of people like teachers, students, and parents. Segment them into 2 or more groups and send them targeted content. 

Personalizing outreach email subject lines: Outreach email is the process of getting in touch with people via email. Always personalize subject lines while sending outreach emails. Do more research in personalizing subject lines. Personalizing around the geography of people like conferences, events, etc happening in their areas. Also personalizing around their recent social media activity like articles liked, commented, finding out their mutual connections on LinkedIn, checking out their hobbies/interests on Facebook, Twitter. Armed with this information, you can connect with them in a personalized way. 

● SM (Social Media) Marketing 

Social media marketing is the process of marketing, promoting your products through social media handles. Unlike paid ads, social media marketing is an organic promotional approach, where businesses and brands share many contents on their social media handles and engage interactively with their customers. 

To stand out in social media marketing, some effective tactics have to be followed like posting lists on Twitter, cross-pollinating your social media audience, uploading native video on LinkedIn, etc. 

Cross-pollinating social media audience: This is a simple digital marketing strategy that is getting your current followers/subscribers to follow you on other social media handles. Many people get new social media followers inside of that handle. But cross-pollinating your audience gets a lateral pipeline of new followers. A simple call-to-action of asking your email subscribers to follow you on Twitter, LinkedIn, or other handles helps you gain more followers. 

Native video upload on LinkedIn: People like the content shared on LinkedIn especially video, unlike Facebook. 

According to Brafton reports 9 out of 10 marketing executives cite LinkedIn as the best handle to find quality media content.

So if your business is a B2B or targets people who work in certain industries, then LinkedIn should be part of your marketing strategy. The organic reach on LinkedIn is still great, unlike other social media. 

Tweeting lists on Twitter: Tweeting in the form of lists helps you get more clicks than tweeting in traditional form might not get many clicks, but standing out in the news feed in the form of lists will help you get way more traffic in each of your posts. 

● Content Marketing 

Traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective and marketers have to think of better marketing and that’s when content marketing entered the field of marketing. Infographics, videos, webpages, books, and podcasts are examples of content marketing 

It is also a type of marketing technique that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, consistent content (like online material such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but make people stimulate interest in its products or services and make profitable customer action.

Marketing Automation 

Marketing automation is the process of leveraging software to repetitive marketing tasks automatically. Marketers use this software to help nurture leads, often through integrations with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and CDP (Customer Data Platform) software. 

Marketing automation is a tool that makes marketers more efficient. Their purpose is to streamline and scale lead management and other marketing activities to generate more revenue. 

Lead Nurturing strategy 

Lead nurturing strategy is a process of turning a website visitor into a lead using fine-tuned buyer personas. Since everyone knows that leads don’t magically turn into customers, it’s up to you to nurture them into one. 

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a vital tool in the nurturing process. Finding the best CRM for your company and integrating it into your website allows you to nurture your leads into customers by monitoring how they interact with your content. 

The CRM you use on your website shows you every specific action a lead takes in regards to our company. We can see every link they click, every page they visit on our website, whether or not they open our emails, their email click-through rate, and more. 

CRM insights can show you what you are doing right and wrong with your leads. Maybe they hate your newsletters but love opening emails about your recent blog posts. Whatever the lead’s preference is, it allows you to specifically tailor your nurturing process to them. 

Pre-Launch New Products 

Pre-launching a new product helps build real buzz before its actual launch and avoids failure of the same. There are few ways you can do this like creating an event surrounding the product launch, taking pre-orders, keeping the customers in suspense, crowdfunding for your product, etc. 

  • Creating an event surrounding the product launch: It makes the people believe that your product is a very big deal and you are building excitement around your product launch. You make the people think that your product is a big deal if you create an event by renting a venue, send invitations to decision-makers, hire a brand, and even hire a stand-up comedian to participate in your product launch. 
  • Taking pre-orders: When you start taking pre-orders, you will find those eager customers waiting to buy your product on the very first day of its launch. When you let your customers pre-order your product, you are creating a groundswell of enthusiasm that exists before the release date of its launch and that is sure going to generate a buzz. 
  • Keeping the customers in suspense: If you want to generate some free public relations about your upcoming product launch, advertise that it will offer a radical change to the way people live or do business and then keep them guessing. Run some advertisements that drop clues to the people about how your product will benefit people. Be sure to not disclose complete spoilers, though. Give them just enough information to want more of your product. Steve Jobs was a quintessential genius at this tactic. Look at the 1984 Apple’s Macintosh Commercial. 
  • Crowdfunding for your product: If you want to build buzz about your product launch, then use crowdfunding. Since you have all the money from your investors, you might think not to do crowdfunding. Use crowdfunding anyway. Also, you are creating a crowd that is interested in your product with crowdfunding. These people will surely go to social media and share the fact that they have contributed to your launch and might be making history in the process. 

Publish original research content 

Posting original research content helps get more traffic and more website views. You have to do two things when it comes to posting original research content such as analyzing a lot of data and running a survey. 

Posting original research content by analyzing a lot of data and running a survey and posting the results online helps you get more credibility from the viewers for the analysis and survey published. 

Digital Marketing Strategy in PR 

Digital PR (Public Relations) is an online digital marketing strategy used by businesses to increase their online presence. Digital PR is more critical than technical SEO. Digital marketing strategy involves gaining high-quality backlinks from websites and online publications and honest (hopefully good) customer reviews. Digital PR helps you reach your target customers by featuring your business on the websites they read, the podcasts they listen to, and the social media accounts they love. Digital marketing strategy positively impacts a website’s search engine visibility and ranking. 

For local businesses, a well-planned Digital marketing strategy will focus on getting your business featured in online publications that write about your local area. These could be local newspaper websites, local blogs written by bloggers living in the area, reviews from local people who have purchased from you, and local events or charities you sponsor. 

CTA Strategy 

Call to Action (CTA) is a marketing term that refers to the way you want the people to react to them. A call to action urges people to do something at once, such as comment their views on your blog, click to open an advertisement, submit an email address, or call for a free consultation. 

Different CTA strategies 

❖ Have more than one CTA 

❖ Make CTAs easy to find 

❖ Communicate the offer 

❖ Know how much is too much 

❖ Prioritize your CTA

Have more than one CTA: The most common CTA occurs at the end of the blog/email/website. For example, “I would love to hear from you with your questions or comments” is the simplest CTA. Your content must have at least one CTA to tell the people what to do next. For improved responses, include more than one CTA. 

Make CTAs easy to find: If your CTA is hidden or difficult to find, then it would not benefit your potential customers. CTAs should always be easy to find. Highlight CTAs in some way to make sure that they are visible. 

Communicate the offer: Inform your customers beforehand what they will get when they respond to your CTA. Inform them clearly what type of subjects will be covered in the newsletter. Know how much is too much: It is often recommended to do more than one CTA, just do not err by including too many. Most people will be overwhelmed and see this as an act of desperation or insincerity if you do this. 

Prioritize your CTAs: Always remember that the priority of CTAs is different. Make sure that the highest priority CTA like “Buy Now!” are easy to find and convenient to reply to. 


To sum up, digital marketing strategy is a great opportunity for your businesses to grow and reach new heights. It is also crucial for its survival to drive valuable results for your business. You need to expose your brand to a bigger level if you want your business to grow. Digital marketing may sound scary at first, but your company will have the potential to expand if you take the time to learn about it. Birth Marque is one of the premier branding company in Chennai. And they come up with awesome digital marketing strategies for your business.

That’s all about digital marketing strategy for the success of your business. I would love to hear from you with your questions or comments.

About Birth marque

Rebranding is the process of changing the corporate image of an organisation. The idea behind this process is to change the identity of the corporation relating to the competitors in the market. Some companies do it to refresh the logo and collateral, some do it to change the identity due to past controversies. Based off recent studies, we have learnt that on average a company has to rebrand once every 10 years based on the industry trend.

Rebranding is the process of changing the corporate image of an organisation. The idea behind this process is to change the identity of the corporation relating to the competitors in the market. Some companies do it to refresh the logo and collateral, some do it to change the identity due to past controversies.

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